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Two Sisters.     A Mysterious House.

Enter a World of Beauty and Darkness...

Enter the Mind of a Witch

Your aim is to become a memory artist like the solar witches in Natasha Mostert's novel, Season of the Witch. In the novel, two beautiful sisters are making use of alchemy and the lost Art of Memory to build a Memory Palace inside their minds. The palace is composed of rooms too numerous to count, filled with strange objects — some beautiful, some bizarre.

The Monas
This symbol is a magical symbol called the Monas.
You can always use the Monas to go to the next page.

To play the game, please fill in your name and a valid email
address below and press 'Play the Memory Game'.

We will never share your contact details with any third party.


* Animations by Polly Holt — Site constructed by SoftBuddha — Copyright © Natasha Mostert 2007