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Free Downloadable Posters

Pixel Dimensions: 1800 px by 2700 px
Print Size Suggestions:
@ 200 dpi (preferred print size):
9" x 13.5" (22.9cm x 34.3cm)
@ 150 dpi (largest suggested size):
12" x 18" (30.5cm x 45.7cm)
  1. Click on poster.
  2. Once opened in browser, right-click on image and save to computer.
  3. Take file to printer and specify your required size (see suggestions on right).

Free Bookplates

If you would like a free, signed bookplate click here to send a request.

I will post the bookplate to you at no delivery costs. You can request up to five bookplates, addressed to as many people as you like.

You can stipulate if you want my signature only.

Free Screensaver

More items will be available over time - watch this space.